Western Balkans 6 Strategy Group

About Western Balkans 6 Strategy Group

The European integration of the Western Balkans countries has stalled because of the unwillingness of EU countries to pursue further expansion, and the unwillingness of most WB6 leaders to undertake the significant and necessary reforms which are prerequisites for Accession.

These delays have eroded the EU’s credibility as a transformative power in the Western Balkans to a significant extent, and have allowed reactionary right-wing forces to thrive in the political landscapes of WB6 countries. If the EU is to regain its status as the undisputed role model for the political and economic development of the WB6 countries, it must change and adapt its policies toward them.

To that end, the HBS Offices in Belgrade, Sarajevo and Berlin have estalished a Strategy Group tasked with conceptualizing and presenting to EU decision-makers policy proposals aimed at revitalizing the EU Accession process of the WB6 countries in line with progressive, green, and gender-sensitive values. The Group consists of prominent Civil Society representatives from each of the WB6 countries, and is subdivided into working groups.

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WB6 SG - Montenegro restricting regulations for NGOs, October 2024


press communication
The Western Balkans Strategy Group, working under the auspices of the Heinrich Boll Stiftung, expresses grave concern over the call from the pro-Putin and pro-Vučić coalition Za budućnost Crne Gore (ZBCG), which is part of Montenegro’s government and parliamentary majority, for the urgent introduction of a law targeting so-called "foreign agents" in Montenegro. This development raises significant alarm about the future of civil society and democratic freedoms in the country.
The 2024 elections in North Macedonia – key takeaways and what to look out for

The 2024 elections in North Macedonia

The 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections in North Macedonia occurred amidst increased Euroscepticism due to unmet high expectations for progress towards EU membership and failed promises to deliver justice and the rule of law in the country.
WB6 SG - Srebrenica Resolution, May 2024


press communication
The Western Balkans Strategy Group, working under the auspices of the Heinrich Boll Stiftung, is urging governments of the Western Balkans, particularly Serbia and Montenegro, to actively support the UN Resolution on Srebrenica. These countries are the only ones in the region that have not co-sponsored the resolution, which aims to memorialize the genocide in Srebrenica.

In the light on the shameless smear campaign happening on X platform (ex Twitter), predominantely against Ms Viola Von Cramon, Mr Đorđe Bojović and Mr Agon Maliqi, WB6 Strategy group gives a statement as following:

"We as the Western Balkans 6 Strategy Group of the Heinrich Boll Foundation, consisted of activists and researchers from the region, condemn the increased use of organized social media troll and bot networks by political actors in the Western Balkans, as launchpads for smear and defamation campaigns against committed civil society actors and EU/Western officials who are friends of the region.

We believe that such orchestrated campaigns targeting committed actors with a track record of working for regional peace, democracy and EU accession represent one of the most pressing threats against free speech and democracy. We call upon political actors in the countries of the Western Balkans and those who support democracy and peace in the Western Balkans to treat this issue with the utmost seriousness and to take appropriate measures within their powers."

Position Paper On WB6

policy brief
Recommendations and expectations for German and European policy. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has direct and significant implications for the Western Balkans. The lack of a consistent and convincing EU perspective and U.S. engagement in the region opened up space for other actors and scenarios aimed at recomposing the Western Balkans as well as promoted regressive tendencies throughout the region.
BEYOND NON-PAPERS_WesternBalkans6StrategyGroup


Policy brief
For the past three decades, Western Balkan countries have been going through a dynamic period of consolidation of new states, economic transition and transformation of social values. This process of regional and internal consolidation is unfinished and the legacy of conflict is still powerful; yet the outlook of EU accession is the one positive project offering a perspective to societies and economies while settling the wounds of the past.

POLICY BRIEF: The Dayton Peace Agreement at 25 - How to proceed for agreement for future?

Policy Brief
In a policy brief, experts of the West Balkan Strategy Group have presented the set of problems in a short and comprehensible way and formulated recommendations for action in order to come closer to a genuine citizen society in BiH. Stability and progress in the Balkans will not be achieved without a solution to the issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And it is not only a regional problem, but a pan-European one.
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WB6 Strategy Group on BiH: The elasticity of the integration process

Thus far, BiH political leaders have not demonstrated substantial progress in fulfilling the integration’s requirements, nor in joint efforts of prioritizing EU integration and putting it before particular ethnic interests. In case of Mr. Čović and the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ BiH), it is necessary to keep in mind the type of EU-BiH perspective they advocate for, as well what their policies imply for BiH.

Western Balkan 6 Strategy Group - for an effective EU-enlargement policy

The “Strategy Group for a political, societal and economic European integration of the Western Balkans Six” is a group of legal, historical and political researches from all WB6 countries organized by Heinrich Böll Stiftung’s Belgrade, Sarajevo and Berlin offices. Its aim is to credibly advocate for a more effective European integration of the Balkans in European as well as Balkan capitals.

Positioning paper on the proposal of land swap as part of a normalization agreement between Serbia and Kosovo

This brief examines the pitfalls of border change as a possible solution to the Serbia-Kosovo problem, and addresses the question of integrity of the international community’s involvement into this discourse. It does so by confronting value-based and pragmatic-realpolitik arguments, essentially arguing that partitioning Kosovo is neither a guarantee for normalization, nor a step towards the EU for both Kosovo and Serbia.
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Read more about the Western Balkans countries