
The Past is now

Perspectives - The Past is now

Published: 24 May 2023
The Belgrade and Sarajevo offices of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, together with our editor Miloš Ćirić, have invited relevant voices to reflect on what was achieved over the past decades in the fields of documentation, memorialization, and processing of recent history. We wanted to learn which actors and factors determine the cultural context, who could deconstruct the hate narratives, how nationalism affects the culture of remembrance in the respective societies, and why the most brutal of experiences did not lead to a better understanding of common history in the region. In this volume, the role of the external actors is also critically questioned: what were Western donors able to achieve? Why has dealing with history never become mainstream despite the efforts of many brave, consistent and professional individuals? Is there even a need for a moratorium on dealing with the past so that new spaces for peaceful coexistence can emerge?
Energy Poverty, Vulnerability, and Human Rights in BiH: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis

Energy Poverty, Vulnerability, and Human Rights in BiH: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis

Published: 29 November 2022
Across Europe, the awareness on energy poverty is growing rapidly and the issue is being increasingly integrated within the activities of the European Union, evidenced by the European Commission’s flagship legislative proposal “Clean Energy for All Europeans” announced on 30th November 2016. Some of the leading institutions working on energy poverty are the EU Energy Poverty Observatory and the European Energy Community. The EU Energy Poverty Observatory urges all relevant stakeholders working on energy poverty to build and expand a specialist network dedicated to addressing the issue across the Continent. According to their official website, the Observatory has been developed by 13 different institutions, including organizations, universities, and businesses. The advisory board is comprised of over 70 leading stakeholders from across Europe and it was officially established in 2018. Its creation is an effort of the European Commission to address energy poverty in a more systematic way, provide resources for public engagement, disseminate information and facilitate knowledge sharing.
Zelena tranzicija i socijalna (ne)pravda

Perspectives - Green transition and social (in)justice

Published: 23 December 2021
There is a great difference between a mere survival of the humankind and the preservation of quality of life. That is why the role of justice in the green transition goes far beyond the entitlement to a safe and healthy environment. The coming climate crisis takes place in a world characterized by a whole variety of injustices, which affect all human rights. These injustices will probably be exacerbated by the crisis, on one hand because of deteriorating conditions and on the other due to weakening of social security policies and measures against growing inequalities.   Therefore, our problem is twofold: to develop strategies and policies of a green transition to decarbonised manufacturing, agriculture, and transport; and to do it in a way which not only does not deepen injustices and inequalities but creates conditions for life with dignity for all. In other words, the fundamental change of human relation to nature should be accompanied by a similarly fundamental change in social relationships.
25 Years after Dayton - Path for a Democratic and Prosperous Bosnia and Herzegovina

25 Years after Dayton - Path for a Democratic and Prosperous Bosnia and Herzegovina

Published: 13 February 2021
The Dayton Agreement is centred around a warped, ethnicised view that accords a special role in the state to the three constitutional peoples – the Bosniaks, the Croats and the Serbs. The overall population, the citizens, the citoyens were effectively stripped of their powers; the individual person degraded – existing merely as an instrument of ethnic power cartels.
Perspectives magazin

Perspectives - Women in the Western Balkans - Rights and Fights

Published: 30 October 2020
The feminist edition of Perspectives Magazine, a regional publication published annually by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, aims to present the perspectives of Southeastern Europe to an international audience, to analyze global and regional trends and to provide insights into developments and political debates. The theme of this year's issue is gender and feminism in the Western Balkans, which is presented through four thematic units (State of the Art, Gender in Transitions: Revolution is Female?, Interventions and Resistance), which gives an overview of the context, perception of gender and the state of women's rights, and opens the issue of gender by social (re-)evolution and conflicts, initiatives and practices that contribute to the dismantling of patriarchy and very concrete practices of resistance in our countries. Through the issues of gender violence, political participation, economic relations, ecology, activism, physicality and from the perspective of female scientists, activists, journalists and writers, we focus on a kind of strategy for women's rights in the Balkans: is it based on the premise that we do not get tired and give up. This issue of Balkan Perspectives was written by women and describes the rights and fights for gender equality which last for generations in the Western Balkans.
Discussion paper - EU and migrant crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina_0

Discussion Paper

Published: 6 April 2020
Is EU (un)intentionally uses a so-called ‘pseudoconditionality’ action pattern and discourse in supporting the migration crisis management in BiH.
Perspectives Cover

Perspectives - "Stabilocracy" and/or radicalisation

Published: 19 November 2019
There is a grotesque reversal of the paradigm of law and order. Neither laws nor international standards determine what is rightful, but criminal power cartels, which show close overlapping with the dominant parties. As a consequence, thereof, personal and human rights are largely undermined, the individual barely stands a chance in those structures outside the legal jurisdiction to assert his/her rights. The EU, has not been able to contain those destructive forces and to emphatically campaign for its agenda – democracy, liberality, diversity. With its trepidation, which the EU displayed already during the Bosnian War, the EU now fails anew to defend European values in the Balkans. This however increasingly also endangers the EU in its very foundations: raging destructing ideologies, which have forged ahead during the 1990ies, now bounce back into the EU and endanger the cohesion inside the Union.

Perspectives - "Narratives in the Balkans: In the Combat Zone"

Published: 22 May 2023
Open conflicts in the post-Yugoslav wars provided proponents (and users) of ethno-nationalist ideologies with plenty of experiences or "evidence" that "confirmed" all previous fears and concerns: "they" (another ethnic collective) "aimed at us". The war and post-war years were marked by the spread of narratives, which make the abstract and empty ideology of ethnicity very concrete.

Perspectives - Captured states in the Balkans

Published: 29 September 2017
Diese Ausgabe des Perspectives Magazins beschäftigt sich mit dem Captured-States-Phänomen - Korruption und Nepotismus und die Auswirkungen auf den Rechtsstaat und das leben der Bürger/innen Bosnien-Herzegowinas. AUch die Vergabe von Arbeitsplätzen an taugliche, aber nicht kompetente Personen, der Einfluß von Politik auf Bildung, Pressefreiheit, Nationalismus als politisches Instrument der Machterhaltung und andere Themen werden in dieser Ausgabe genauer beleuchtet. Das Magazin ist in englischer Sprache verfasst.

Legal Instruments for the Environmental Protection

Published: 11 April 2017
Ova publikacija je nastala u okviru projekta “Advocacy NGOs Networks for Sustainable Use of Energy and Natural Resources in the Western Balkans and Turkey – ETNAR”, u kojem je hbs jedan od partnera. Glavni cilj publikacije je pomoći nevladinim organizacijama iz Bosne i Hercegovina, Hrvatske, Srbije, Crne Gore, Turske, Makedonije, Albanije i Kosova u zaštiti okoliša i zagovaranju održivog upravljanja energetskim i prirodnim resursima. Pravni instrumenti mogu biti moćan instrument u aktivnostima zagovaranja organizacija civilnog društva ukoliko one znaju kako i kada da ih koriste u svojim zagovaračkim kampanjama.