Perspectives magazin

Perspectives - Women in the Western Balkans - Rights and Fights

Women in the Western Balkans - Rights and Fights

The feminist edition of Perspectives Magazine, a regional publication published annually by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, aims to present the perspectives of Southeastern Europe to an international audience, to analyze global and regional trends and to provide insights into developments and political debates. The theme of this year's issue is gender and feminism in the Western Balkans, which is presented through four thematic units (State of the Art, Gender in Transitions: Revolution is Female?, Interventions and Resistance), which gives an overview of the context, perception of gender and the state of women's rights, and opens the issue of gender by social (re-)evolution and conflicts, initiatives and practices that contribute to the dismantling of patriarchy and very concrete practices of resistance in our countries. Through the issues of gender violence, political participation, economic relations, ecology, activism, physicality and from the perspective of female scientists, activists, journalists and writers, we focus on a kind of strategy for women's rights in the Balkans: is it based on the premise that we do not get tired and give up.

This issue of Balkan Perspectives was written by women and describes the rights and fights for gender equality which last for generations in the Western Balkans.

perspectives - 09-2020 - web.pdf
Product details
Date of Publication
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents


2 system patriarchy - from A for abuse to V for violence

Marion Kraske

5 standby mode

Lejla Gačanica

state of play

9 ‘naming the possible, responding to the impossible’: beyond gender normative politics

Jelisaveta Blagojević, Mirjana Stošić

13 how tradition and patriarchy impact violence against women in the Western Balkans

Ermira Danaj

18 an inside look – gender equality as a principle or a phrase?

Katarina Pavičić-Ivelja

gender in transitions: revolution is female?

23 the (un)forgotten possibility of emancipation

Vera Katz

29 women’s invisibility as punishment: gender, war and transition in and after Yugoslavia

Svetlana Slapšak

34 conquering the space of freedom: a never-ending story?

Slavenka Drakulić

38 the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in the Western Balkans

Marija Bashevska


44 feminism: a universal panacea?

Nadežda Čačinovič

47 interplay between nationalism and exploitation, producing poverty to stay in power

Katarina Peović

51 here to stay – political participation of women in the Western Balkan

Zlatiborka Popov-Momčinović

56 violence against women in politics

Ana Radičević


60 making femicide visible

Vedrana Lacmanović

66 unequal even before being born: sex-selective abortions in Montenegro

Olivera Komar

70 Kruščica in the aftermath of violence

Alma Midžić

77 property rights, economic dependence and the glass ceiling for women in Kosovo

Luljeta Demolli

81 activism in times of uncertainty: Albanian Pride 2020

Gresa Hasa

84 swimming against the current

Iva Mihajlovska