The implementation process of the reform agenda has shown that the leading international actors in BiH are well able to push the country towards a sustainable reform course. This has primarily demonstrated the application of strict conditionality by the IMF. The fact that the EU initiative has so far produced only limited results was not due to the fact that a policy of conditionality in BiH does not work or can function, as many EU officials regularly claim, but because of the lack of political will of the EU, conditionality and consistency strictly apply.
Wenn der Staat tiefgreifende politische, wirtschaftliche und ideologische Veränderungen vornimmt, kann seine Abhängigkeit von einer internationalen Umgebung wachsen. Genau das ist vor 25 Jahren in fast allen post-kommunistischen Staaten geschehen. Die Notwendigkeit für internationale Modelle in Systemen, die einen politischen Pluralismus und Demokratie als Staatsform eingeführt haben und sich nach Außen hin öffnen, öffnen auch Einflüssen von Außen das Tor. Die Artikel in dieser Ausgabe erzählen verschiedene Geschichten über die Herausforderungen der internationalen Interventionen in Albanien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kroatien, Mazedonien und Serbien.
The booklet "Shrinking Spaces in the Western Balkans" deals with the global phenomenon of restricting the room for maneuver for actors in civil society, which unfortunately is becoming increasingly noticeable in our region as well. Here you can read great analyzes by journalists, activists and academic staff from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia.
The stories of Srebrenica are stories of genocide and war suffering, of the importance of collective memory, but also of life and what post-war life is like, in all its hardship, yet also beauty. These are stories about people who lived and who still live in Srebrenica, their life paths and destinies, but also factual notes on Srebrenica, the genocide and post-war developments in this region. The notes on Srebrenica and from Srebrenica are a specific non-fiction reading for all those who love, but also think and live Srebrenica.
Approaches to understanding the meaning of accession to the European Union vary significantly among the post-Yugoslavcountries, depending on the size and complexity of problems these countries encounter in their prolonged transition todemocracy, free market economy, and rule of law. While one of them – Slovenia – was at least partially prepared to take advantageof a broader market, freedom of trade and movement, and the available forms of support for economic development, for someothers the process of accession to the EU, indeed the conditionality, which was part and parcel thereof, has been an importantdriving force for changes in their legal and institutional systems. Furthermore, there are countries like Bosnia and Herzegovinaand Macedonia, for which the relationship with the EU goes beyond legal adjustments and upgrading the institutional capacity,reaching all the way to the very constitution of the polity.
Perspectives Southeastern Europe is about young adults in the Balkans. It is about young people with a specific kind of transition to adulthood. The comparative analysis of some Eastern and Western European countries shows that the age-status transition was strongly standardized under communist modernization, and that the main events of transition to adulthood took place in more predictable ways compared to Western Europe.