With this panel, we came to the conclusion that the conditions for changing the Constitution and the Election Law have not been met due to the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina is in the pre-election year, and that the work of state institutions, including the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been blocked by secessionist forces from the Republika Srpska, while at the same time the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is de facto in a technical mandate, due to the HDZ obstructions in the establishing the government at that level in accordance with the results of previous elections.

Wake up, EUrope!
The panel discussion entitled Awaken Europe, Ethnocracy or Democracy, organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation was extremely important for pro-Bosnian forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina and proved the friendly relationship and intention of Germany and Netherlands to help Bosnia and Herzegovina on its way to democratization. The visit of MEPs Tineke Strik and Dietmar Köster was encouraging for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With their arrival and the talks they had with, among others, the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, they clearly emphasized their commitment to help democratize the state. Unfortunately, these two countries are lonely in their intentions to impose sanctions on those individuals and their financiers and helpers who obstruct Bosnia and Herzegovina. The European Union is divided on this issue, Brussels is undecided, while some EU members openly support the actions of secessionists and ethnocrats in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
With this panel, we came to the conclusion that the conditions for changing the Constitution and the Election Law have not been met due to the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina is in the pre-election year, and that the work of state institutions, including the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been blocked by secessionist forces from the Republika Srpska, while at the same time the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is de facto in a technical mandate, due to the HDZ obstructions in the establishing the government at that level in accordance with the results of previous elections.
The secessionist forces of SNSD and HDZ are directly supported by the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia, which in this way clearly express their expansionist intentions and aspirations towards the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This wave of secesionism and ethnocracy could very quickly spread to the European Union and countries such as Spain, Belgium, Denmark, parts of Italy and possibly Switzerland, and then the UK through the secessionist intentions of Northern Ireland and Scotland. The United States in which some countries (California ...) have long wanted to leave the United States. This would lead to civil war in the United States, which would pose a threat to world peace.
The conclusion is that Bosnia and Herzegovina is deeply in a state of ethnocracy and secessionism, and that if the European Union and the United States do not harmonize their relations with the Western Balkans and work together to help civic forces on the path to democracy and preservation of BH's territorial integrity and sovereignty, the consequences can be far-reaching for them as well.