Bosnia and Herzegovina ahead of the elections: Hatred and warmongering instead of political vision Analiza Today elections are being held in Bosnia and Herzegovina: before getting out to vote, the nationalists' radical noises have brought the atmosphere to boiling point. There are threats of secession. Republika Srpska’s government desires a Greater Serbia, Croat leaders are pushing for their own entity – the wartime goals of the 90s are coming back to life. In an extremely jingoistic atmosphere, critical or alternative forces are threatened or even murdered. By Marion Kraske
Perspectives Südosteuropa #6: Narrative auf dem Balkan. In der Kampfzone Publication In den Ländern des Westlichen Balkans dominieren mehr als 20 Jahre nach den Kriegen patriarchalische, homophobe und exklusive Tendenzen, die ein Klima der Intoleranz, der Ausgrenzung, der radikalen Abschaffung von Werten prägen. Die Folge sind rigide Abwehrmechanismen gegen aufklärerische und weltliche Ansätze. Auf diese Weise wird die südöstliche Peripherie Europas dauerhaft in Krisenstimmung gehalten – nicht zuletzt angesichts einer schwach aufgestellten EU. Zum Herunterladen der PDF-Version klicken Sie bitte hier
The vetting of judges and prosecutors: An Albanian experience Analysis An extensive judicial reform is currently under way in Albania. Ina Xhepa writes about challenges in the process of verification of judges and prosecutors. By Ina Xhepa
When state capture and myths of victimization meet: the story of a party’s attempt to prevent democratic alternation of power "Uspjeh" stranke odgovorne za jedan od najzloglasnijih političkih skandala u suvremenoj Europi, djelomice je postignut oslanjajući se na etnocentrične mitove o viktimizaciji. Ti su mitovi služili kao legitimirajuća funkcija i osigurali veliku razinu potpore javnosti za otvoreno korumpiranu političku elitu. (Članak je na engleskom jeziku) By Jovan Bliznakovski
Nothing new in Bosnia? Elections, Coalition building and a new chance for the European Integration: What has to change now in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By Sasa Gavric and Tijana Cvjetićanin