Who is afraid of gender Macedonia

Who is afraid of gender?

Analysis of the key narratives and strategies of the anti-gender movement in Republic of North Macedonia
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However, the goal is not to expose or mock these organizations but rather to better understand them and gain knowledge towards: human rights promotion for everyone and identifying how to oppose the hegemonic framing strategies, representation and discursive construction of women and sexual and gender minorities proposed by anti-gender movements. It is our hope that the analysis will strengthen the mobilization for gender equality promotion and human rights respect for all individuals in society.

Product details
Date of Publication
Coalition Margins
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Table of contents



1. Methodology

1.1. Research Goals

1.2. Main Focus

1.3. Theoretical Framework

1.4. Method

1.5. Analysis Tools

1.6. Sampling Strategy

2. Anti-gender Movements

3. Anti-gender Actors

4. “Gender Ideology”

4.1. Natural vs Artificial

4.2. Attack on Gender Studies

4.3. Return to the “Biological sex”

4.4. Mobilization against Legal Gender Recognition

5. Anti-gender Movements and Right-wing Populism

5.1. On Imminent Dangers

5.2. The Corrupted Elites

5.3. The Phenomenon of the Silent Majority

5.4. Opportunist Synergy

6. Anti-gender Movements and Gender-critical Feminism

6.1. Trans-women Danger to Women and Children

6.2. Trans-women Usurpers of Female Spaces and Entitlements

6.3. Real Feminism for Real Women

6.4. Moral Erosion or Feminism for Sexually and Morally Pure Women

6.5. Creating Divisions within the Feminist and LGBTIQ Movement

7. Anti-gender Movements and (Un)Successful Partnerships

7.1. Relativizing the Concept of Common and Commoning

7.2. Simulating an Attack on the Heteronormative Family

7.3. Call for Civil Participation According to the Principle of Exclusion

8. Anti-gender Expansion in Education

8.1. Depriving Parental Rights

8.1.1. Increasing Monitoring in School Environments

8.2. Depriving Children of the Right to Access Necessary Information

8.2.1. Minimizing the Role of Formal Education

8.2.2. Defocussing the Public from Real Problems

8.3. Mobilization towards Systematic Degradation and Discrimination

An overview of key findings
