A European offensive against civil society in North Macedonia Analysis North Macedonia must continue to wait for the start of EU accession negotiations. The European Councils decision has triggered a political crisis in the country. Not only the EU has lost credibility, but also Zoran Zaev's government. It should not be forgotten, however, that the upcoming new elections will once again confront in particular the civil society in North Macedonia with challenges that should not be underestimated. By Laura Meier
Anticipating the October 2019 European Council Summit: Make or Break for North Macedonia’s EU Accession? Report When the European Council decided to grant the status of a candidate country for EU membership to North Macedonia in 2005, nobody could have expected that almost 15 years later the country would still be in the waiting room for the start of accession negotiations for EU membership. In 2009, the European Commission adopted its first recommendation for the start of accession negotiations between the European Union (EU) and North Macedonia. Eleven consecutive recommendations later, North Macedonia is anxiously waiting for the October 2019 meeting of the European Council as the first plausible opportunity in more than a decade to reach the much-coveted goal. By Ivan Damjanovski
Stories that reveal pain - #ISpeakUp movement in North Macedonia Report Sexual Harassment of women and girls is a form of violence against women and girls broadly spread, and in some cultures hard to recognize and define as a form of violence rather than a cultural norm. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. By Irena Cvetkovikj
When state capture and myths of victimization meet: the story of a party’s attempt to prevent democratic alternation of power "Uspjeh" stranke odgovorne za jedan od najzloglasnijih političkih skandala u suvremenoj Europi, djelomice je postignut oslanjajući se na etnocentrične mitove o viktimizaciji. Ti su mitovi služili kao legitimirajuća funkcija i osigurali veliku razinu potpore javnosti za otvoreno korumpiranu političku elitu. (Članak je na engleskom jeziku) By Jovan Bliznakovski
Protestiram: Colors against a criminal regime Branimir Jovanović, ekonomski istraživač i aktivista iz Skoplja, uhapšen je na antivladinim protestima 13. aprila 2016. Danas za nas piše o "šarenoj revoluciji" u Makedoniji i svom iskustvu (na makedonskom i engleskom jeziku).
The Power of Propaganda Partisanship, intimidations, insults – a recent “interview” in Macedonian TV proves the high degree of an occupied media scene. 90% of the market follows only one voice: that of autocratic orientated VMRO By Sašo Ordanoski