Zelena tranzicija i socijalna (ne)pravda

Perspectives - Grüne Wende und soziale (Un)Gerechtigkeit

Grüne Wende und soziale (Un)Gerechtigkeit
Aus der Reihe
Herausgegeben von
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Office Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina, North-Macedonia) Office Belgrade (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo)
Sprache der Publikation

2 introduction

just transition in unjust societies - Srđan Dvornik

are our societies ready?

5 dismantling monopolies in the green transition - Majda Ibraković

9 prospects for independent action in the Western Balkans’ energy transition - Pippa Gallop

14 just green transition challenges - Samir Lemeš

18 social peace or social justice for victims of green transition? - Kristina Cvejanov

23 just energy transition - Diana Milev Čavor

political challenges

27 first we need trust for justice to be “just”:

a view on energy transition from the coal-impacted community of Lazarevac, Serbia - Maja Pupovac

32 decarbonisation of the region – a sustainable and just energy transition - Viktor Berishaj

36 how to restore social well-being and whether decarbonized energy is possible in the Western Balkans - Nataša Kovačević

40 eternal ramble – two faces of energy policy in Serbia - Jovan Rajić

green transition and citizens’ action

44 from zero to 10 000 protesters, or how the living environment became topic number one in Serbia - Milja Vuković, Radovan Božović

50 Montenegro - challenges on the path to democracy development - Nina Milić

54 the social impact of hydropower on affected communities - Rea Nepravishta

57 the energy and environmental potential of the Komarnica river - Vuk Iković

60 energy cooperatives – a new-old form of organization for a democratic and fair energy sector in Serbia - Predrag Momčilović

green transition in the global framework

66 just (another) transition?

the limitations and opportunities of just ecological transition on the European semi-periphery - Vedran Horvat

70 populism and ecology. on the possibility of ecology becoming a politically relevant topic - Mariglen Demiri

79 the anti-environmentalism of capitalism as the dominant system of contemporary production of social life - Vladimir Lay