Perspectives - Captured states in the Balkans

Ovogodišnje izdanje magazina Perspectives se bavi fenomenom „zarobljene države“ (state capture) – korupcijom i nepotzmom, te njihovim uticajem na pravnu državu i život građanki i građana. Osim toga se osvrćemo na praksu zapošljavanja podobnih, a ne sposobnih, kao i  uticaj politike na obrazovanje, slobodu medija, nacionalizam kao „instrument“ moćnika, odsustvo vladavine prava i druga goruća pitanja.  

Magazin je na engleskom jeziku

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Perspectives magazine
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Perspectives magazine

The international community, especially the EU an its member states, seems clumsy and even over-burdened in light of the

recklessly proceeding patronage networks in the Balkans: The approach of local ownership which has been propagated for a long

while is dangerously ignoring the real balance of power in those countries. How could citizens deal with very diffuse networks,

if there are no intact correctives, no free, no independent justice?